Saturday, March 17, 2007

Capturing wind

Capturing wind, originally uploaded by

Capturing wind

Today I was at work and noticed the weather eye on the taskbar saying +13!! So on my break I went for a walk on Main St. Woohoo we can go outside and not freeze body parts while taking pictures!!! :) It was on the other hand quite windy and didn't feel like +13 haha but still nice!

My mission today was to find a puddle to try shots like my flickr friend transgress did so great with her shot! She gave me the idea and since all the snow was melting it was the perfect time to try out some shots. You can see the ripples cause by the wind in the puddle hence the title.. I had a hard time keeping steady to take shots :)

Uploaded by on 14 Mar '07, 8.54pm AST.

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